


Compassion in the Pure Land Path(浄土の慈悲)


To Swallow( 真受け )


Eureka !(わかった!)

先日の新聞(英字)に次のような記事がありました。 Eureka! Scientists find ‘the’particle Scientists hailed the discovery of“ the missing cornerstone of physics ” July 4, cheering the apparent end of a decades-long quest for a new subatomic p…

Mountain Lilies(ささゆり)

There is a flower I usually remember around the gloomy rainy season. It is a mountain lily which bloomed in the depths of a mountain my grandfather possessed. Mountain lilies growing in crowds I saw in my childhood showed me a picturesque …

An Exquisite Sense of a Distance(絶妙の距離感)

Someone, I hear, says about a distance between a grandparent and a grandchild. According to him, a grandparent has two kinds of feelings to his or her grandchild : one is carefreeness that he or she has no responsibility to raise his or he…

Metempsychosis Relation( 多生の縁 )

This March, when I attended the Buddhist gathering in Kyoto, which I wrote here at the previous time, I had a very rare and amazing experience : I met a married couple, Mr. and Mrs. K, whom I met for the first time on that day. Despite the…