


In a Year-end Period(年末)

● 帖外御文 第五十五通(抜粋) そういっている間にも、今年ももう十二月二十八日になってしまいました。また、新春にも遇えそうです。こんな儚い人間界のことですから、あると思うのも、ないと思うのも、やはりあてにはならぬことです。しかし、また年があ…

Going Solo(おひとりさま)


Like a Flow of Water(水の流れのように)

「岩もあり 木の根もあれど さらさらと たださらさらと 水の流るる」 (甲斐 和里子) Regardless of the existence Of rocks and the roots of trees, Water runs murmuringly, Only flows smoothly. 水は丸い器に入れると丸い形になる 四角い器に入れると…

Mismatch(ミスマッチ_ 不つり合い)


Setting Out on the Journey(旅立ち)

「一輪の花をかざして 今日もまた 浄土へ帰る 旅をつづけん」 (甲斐 和里子) Wearing a single flower on me, I will continue my journey Returning to the Pure Land As usual, today as well. 野の花を一輪、髪にかざした幼いころ、 元気にとびまわって…

The Shortest Letter in the World(世界一短い手紙)

Exchanging letters, in which only “ ? ” or “ ! ” is written, is being kept between Amida Buddha and me. I am always write “ ? ” to the Buddha and the Buddha always answers “ ! ” to me : I say to the Buddha, “ What should I do ? ” and the B…

To Experience Life in Other Power(他力の人生を経験する)

第七条(歎異抄)に出て来ますように、お念仏の世界は、魔界や外道も障碍することはない。悪魔もお念仏の人を妨げないんです。その恐ろしい鬼がお念仏の前に出たらみんなおとなしくなってしまう。それがお念仏の御利益の不思議です。 これは親鸞聖人が生活上…

Astringency Changes into Sweetness(渋が甘味に)

The other day one of my acquaintances brought astringent persimmons for me since he knew well that my favorite fruit was persimmons. I tried making dried persimmons for the first time in accordance with his instructions. I gave my mind to …

A Deer and Fallen Leaves(鹿と落ち葉)

Fallen leaves rustle in the wind. A sleeping deer wakes up with a start at the sound of rustling leaves, looking around, finding nothing unusual. “ Ah! It's because of the wind, ” the deer feels easy, going to sleep again. But just after t…

The Autumn Colors(紅葉)

There is an open space in a corner in the park I usually visit. The leaves of the trees growing around the space have vividly turned red and yellow. The space alone looks separated and floating from the surroundings and seems wrapped in th…

A Frog and a Cat(蛙と猫)

This time I am going to think about a unique combination; a frog and a cat. To begin with, a frog which bends its knees and lowers its buttocks looks so humble at first glance. But observing its appearance well, I have never seen a frog ha…


Looking back on my past life, I have stood at a lot of crossroads whether they have been serious or not. So far I have finally settled them by myself although I have sometimes consulted with other people about them. However, it has been th…



To Say the Nembutsu(称名念仏)

南無阿弥陀仏という称名念仏も決して私の方から始まるのではなく、如来様の方が私を称えさせて下さるのです。つまり如来様の名乗りの反響です。南無阿弥陀仏と向こうから言われる。その声が私に当たって反射するこだまです。 南無阿弥陀仏が私に当たったと言…


ある日の孫(A)と私(B)の会話です。 (A): Grandma, be here by me, will you? I'm scared. おばあちゃん、怖いからそばにいてね。 (B): What are you afraid of? 何が怖いの。 (A): Because we may be haunted by a ghost. だって、おばけが出るかもしれない…

Flowers Blooming in the Chest( 胸に咲く花)

「『安心決定鈔』に、<Amida Buddha's great compassion has always filled the chests of sentient beings who have continuously sunken down in the samsaric world.><弥陀の大悲が、迷いの世界につねに沈んでいる衆生の胸のうちに満ちあふれている>…

To Say the Nembutsu and a Lotus(念仏と蓮の花)


What Foolish Beings Really Are(凡夫の正体)


響 き

いつもの早朝ウォーキングコース、今はもう草むらは虫の声で占領され、その声は辺り一帯に響き渡っています。淡い青色の、澄んだ空を見上げると、何故かしら、「正覚大音 響流十方」という言葉が脳裏に浮かびました。 「さとりの声は高らかに、十方世界に響…

An Allegiance Test(踏み絵)

The other day I found on the Internet a description of Chiyojo who was a devout believer of Shin Buddhism. In connection with this, it reminded me of one of the historical events in the Edo era in Japan. It is called ‘ a copper tablet with…

The Believers’ Way of Life(真宗信者の生き方)


To Live as I Am(ありのままに生きる)


Humans versus Animals(人間対動物)

“Humans would be also-rans in all-species Olympics.” Human beings would be made to look decidedly unimpressive were animals allowed to compete in the Olympics ______ outperformed by the likes of kangaroos, gorillas and ostriches, according…

Why Are We Saved?(私達はどうして助かるのか)


A Midsummer Scene (真夏の風景)


Compassion in the Pure Land Path(浄土の慈悲)


To Swallow( 真受け )


Eureka !(わかった!)

先日の新聞(英字)に次のような記事がありました。 Eureka! Scientists find ‘the’particle Scientists hailed the discovery of“ the missing cornerstone of physics ” July 4, cheering the apparent end of a decades-long quest for a new subatomic p…

Mountain Lilies(ささゆり)

There is a flower I usually remember around the gloomy rainy season. It is a mountain lily which bloomed in the depths of a mountain my grandfather possessed. Mountain lilies growing in crowds I saw in my childhood showed me a picturesque …

An Exquisite Sense of a Distance(絶妙の距離感)

Someone, I hear, says about a distance between a grandparent and a grandchild. According to him, a grandparent has two kinds of feelings to his or her grandchild : one is carefreeness that he or she has no responsibility to raise his or he…