

An Allegiance Test(踏み絵)

The other day I found on the Internet a description of Chiyojo who was a devout
believer of Shin Buddhism. In connection with this, it reminded me of one of the
historical events in the Edo era in Japan. It is called ‘ a copper tablet with a crucifix or
some other Christian symbol to be trodden on.’(踏みつけるための、キリスト像、又は他のキリスト教を象徴するものが描かれた銅板→ 踏み絵) It was carried out in
order to prove oneself a non-Christian. I'd like to think about this as an event occurring
to myself. Suppose the present age moved to the Edo era, and if I were forced to
tread on a plate with the Name of Namu-amida-butsu or the figure of Amida, what
would I do ? My answer would be of course ‘No.’ I could not tread on the plate on any
account. And the result that I have to accept would be clear : I would be killed.
But I'd be greatly satisfied to be killed.
By the way, what would the believers of today's Shin Buddhism do if such an event
happened to them, I wonder ?

その結果はハッキリしています。__ 打ち首ですね。 でもそれで本望です。          