

A Frog and a Cat(蛙と猫)

This time I am going to think about a unique combination; a frog and a cat. To
begin with, a frog which bends its knees and lowers its buttocks looks so humble at
first glance. But observing its appearance well, I have never seen a frog hang its
head. On the contrary, I always see it with its head raised upward. An atmosphere it
creates seems to be stuck-up and usually beware of the surroundings. At least it does not look relaxed. On the other hand, how about a cat? A cat seems to seldom lie on its back ; it rarely lies with its stomach supinely. That is because the belly is the weakest
part of a cat's body. Judging from its relaxed way of sleeping, I do not have a feeling
that the cat has its pride or guards against the surroundings. Probably it is because it
is completely relieved.

● 屈むとも屈まぬこうべ蛙かな
● 大の字にお腹ひろげて眠る猫