

The Autumn Colors(紅葉)

There is an open space in a corner in the park I usually visit. The leaves of the
trees growing around the space have vividly turned red and yellow. The space
alone looks separated and floating from the surroundings and seems wrapped in the
brightness of colorings of leaves. It was so beautiful that the nembutsu involuntarily
escaped from my lips. I kind of felt that the voice of the nembutsu was blown off to the
leaves by the wind and was merrily playing with them. I was for a while carried away
by a fairy-tale world.

 いつも行く公園の一角の広場、その周囲に植えられた木々の葉が色鮮やかに紅葉しています。その空間だけが周囲から切り離されて、浮かび上がったような明るさに包まれています。あまりのきれいさに思わず「南無阿弥陀仏南無阿弥陀仏」と口からこぼれ出ました。何かしらその声が風に吹かれて木々に届き、さわさわと葉っぱと戯れているような気がして… 、しばしメルヘンの世界に浸りました。